About Me

I am a red-headed, curious, creative woman who loves walks in nature, quiet time for reading, art, long walks and playing bird sounds on Youtube while I paint for hours. I also love yoga, laughing on my bed at the end of the day with my two boys, noshing on delicious and healthy food with my husband while barefoot in the kitchen... and run-on sentences. I almost always have candles, incense and fountains and twinkly things going as the soothing sensory stimulation is part of my creation ritual.

My art style is... under construction. I'm continually pushing my creativity, evolving and developing as an artist.  I do a lot of realistic detail, even in some of my messier work. And I'm currently challenging myself to actually 'get messier' since that's an area that's far underdeveloped. I love designing stencils and digital art combined with traditional watercolor, mixed-media and who knows what else. Want to join me on my journey? Let's.


Sharing some gentle sounds with you.

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