Everything Means Something

Emily May Studio Arts / Animals Light The Way  / Everything Means Something

Everything Means Something

Everything means something. In the spirit of keeping paradoxes alive, everything means nothing as well. What I mean is, meaning is completely subjective. (Insert my laughing husband right here. He will tell you that I am right about everything. Smirk.) What I’m really thinking about here is how I just begin to paint after all of these years, and immediately, instead of just painting to paint.. I’m already wanting to add ‘more’. To add deep and powerfully moving meaning behind my ‘amazing great works!’ that are being birthed through me. Art and healing themes just seem to go hand in hand. Ironic since this work feels like it pours from my heart. Dare I say, my Soul puts me up to all of this.

In this here, second painting I’ve done in two decades, I have birthed an elephant. Not just any elephant, she is a Light Bearer. And so, a ‘Collection’ is also being birthed with this painting. I shall call it Animals Light the Way. And it will feature two elements in each painting that balance each other or at least one animal that seems to spread ‘light’ as they bring us messages and insights from the natural world. A world many of us have lost touch with as we sit at our desks, float through traffic and hustle to create meals for our families.

I’ve named this painting ‘Wisdom of the Call’. Referring of course, to the sound of Elephant when she speaks. These gentle giants are known among many cultures as holding the symbols of patience, strength and wisdom. In their more magical essence they are associated with dreams, manifestation and astral projection.

For me, elephant is a very grounded, emotionally intelligent and powerfully centered. In this picture I added a small dainty dragonfly up by the elephant’s ear. Symbolizing a whisper to the elephant. These two represent a very symbiotic relationship. One where the large physical body is grounded with Mother Earth and the other where Dragonfly represents a more etheric, spiritual aspect that holds the higher view. A perfect message for those days when life feels crazy, you are not in your body and are feeling disconnected from the world because you are much too involved with the small thoughts in your head. Combining thought with form and higher view is body, mind and spirit in balance.

Here is a snippet from Universe of Symbolism about the link between Elephant, insight and creating.

Emily May

I am an artist, living and painting inspired by the world around me. Right now I am drawn to watercolor with a splash of colored pencil thrown in for good measure. A touch of acrylic and whatever else rolls across my bench that looks interesting to use. The world is full of artistic possibilities.


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